New USDA Plant Hardiness Zones post thumbnail

New USDA Plant Hardiness Zones

The USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map is the standard by which gardeners and growers can determine which plants are most likely to thrive at a location. The map is based
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CSA Farm Planning Software post thumbnail

CSA Farm Planning Software

Whether you are new at starting a CSA farm, or already have experience, these downloadable tools can help simplify your planning. The Fantastic Farm & Garden Calculator handles all
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CSA Co-op and other news

We have added information on the site about our upcoming "Grow Your Own CSA Co-op.  We at Colorado Local Sustainability and LandShare Colorado are in the process of forming
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Planning your Square Foot Garden with the Fantastic Farm & Garden Calculator

If you use the Square Foot Gardening method it is quite easy to use the Fantastic Farm and Garden Calculator to plan your vegetable garden. While the current version
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Your First Vegetable Garden – Part One: Planning the Garden -The Basics post thumbnail

Your First Vegetable Garden – Part One: Planning the Garden -The Basics

Just starting out with gardening?  Planning a productive vegetable garden is a lot easier than you imagine.  Just remember to start small with your first garden.  Even if you
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Start Planning Your Farm or Garden

We've added a quick intro video to the Fantastic Farm & Garden Calculator in our side-bar to help you see how easy it is to start planning your farm
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Time to start planing your garden or farm

My mail box keeps filling up with seed catalogs and I find myself paging through my arsenal of gardening books to help me plan for this year's growing season.
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Field Notes: A word from the Developer post thumbnail

Field Notes: A word from the Developer

Greetings Everyone! Wow! What a first year for the FFGC! The pilot study of the calculator at the HeartEye Village CSA in Lafayette Colorado went beautifully. We were able
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The Beginning Farmer – Part 1

By Jim Sincock The Beginning Farmer is my account of how I went from being a home gardener, to a farmer, and why. Please check back for future installments
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How Much Food Can I Grow? post thumbnail

How Much Food Can I Grow?

"How much food can I grow?" "How many people can I feed?"  "And how do I begin to answer these questions?"  These are common question for gardeners and farmers.
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