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Register below to start using Fantastic Farm Enterprises planning tools today!

Register below for either a stand-alone Fantastic Farm and Garden Calculator (FFGC) account or a Grow Your Own CSA (GYO CSA) account, which includes an FFGC account. Even if you don't operate a CSA but operate a market garden or market farm you could greatly benefit from the GYO CSA tool suite.


Fantastic Farm and Garden Calculator

There are two versions of this downloadable Excel spreadsheet, one for farmers and one for gardeners. The Farm version of the FFGC includes a Retail Sales Calculator that is not available in the Garden version.

There are three skill levels in each version. Take care to choose the appropriate skill level for your operation since changing skill levels requires purchasing a new FFGC account. Learn more about skill levels.

Before setting up your account, you may want to check out the Calculator demo by clicking Demo. Or, watch the tutorial videos to learn more about how the Fantastic Farm & Garden Calculator works.

Fantastic Farm Calculator account options:

Beginner Skill Level, $35

Intermediate Skill Level, $35

Advanced Skill Level, $35

Fantastic Garden Calculator account options:

Beginner Skill Level, $25

Intermediate Skill Level, $25

Advanced Skill Level, $25

Jump to "Checkout Options" below to choose your skill level and to register.

Grow Your Own CSA

The GYO CSA is a planning tool suite, which includes the Fantastic Farm and Garden Calculator, as well as more than a dozen other easy-to-use, downloadable Excel spreadsheet tools and forms to assist you in making your CSA a success! See Grow Your Own CSA Details for more information and a list of the planning tools available.

Grow Your Own CSA account options:

FFGC Beginner Skill Level & GYO CSA Tool Suite, $55

FFGC Intermediate Skill Level & GYO CSA Tool Suite, $55

FFGC Advanced Skill Level & GYO CSA Tool Suite, $55


Payment can be made securely by credit card or PayPal (PayPal will process your credit card even if you do not have a PayPal account). Look for "BizKeepers" on your Credit Card statement.

All accounts are open for 6 months from the date of registration, so you will have plenty of time to download the tools you need to start planning your garden, farm or CSA.

You will need Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word and Adobe Reader to use our tools and instructions.

Checkout Options
Fantastic Farm Calculator Beginner Skill Level, $35
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