Introductory Video

Check out a short intro video to get an idea of how easy the Fantastic Farm and Garden Calculator is to use.

Tutorial Videos

Our original tutorial videos show the basics of how to use the Fantastic Farm and Garden Calculator. However, the Calculator has been updated and is now an easy-to-use downloadable spreadsheet that updates calculations automatically as you work on it. The "file saving" instructions in these videos can be disregarded since you will be saving your file in the Excel, Sheets or Numbers application you are using. Also, rather than typing Notes at the top of the Calculator as in the video, Notes are typed below each Calculator section. For a screenshot of the updated Calculator CLICK HERE.

This tutorial comes in two short ~10 minute segments. After you have viewed the tutorial videos we recommend that you look at the Template Use Instructions: CLICK HERE to view them.

How to use the Calculator with the Square Foot Gardening method