At Fantastic Farm Enterprises we want you to succeed!

Even if you don't operate a CSA but need a market garden planner or market farm planner you could greatly benefit from this tool suite.

After successfully operating our pilot study CSA farm for five years we combined all of our tried and true planning tools into the Grow Your Own CSA Planning Tool Suite! All of the Grow Your Own CSA planning tools can be used together or individually and include complete instructions for their use. Get started today!

Financial Planning

  • 7-year Financial Projections worksheet (input projected income and expenses into this farm business plan tool to see when your operation will become financially sustainable within a 7-year window). View a screenshot of the Financial Projections Worksheet.

Production Planning

  • Fantastic Farm Calculator planning spreadsheet (a farm planning tool that produces the crop succession planting information you need to carry out your unique production goals, for both CSA and market farming.) For more information check out the Fantastic Farm and Garden Calculator (FFGC), or try the Calculator Demo by clicking on the red and white Demo button in the sidebar to the right.
  • Production plan Template Protocol (a series of templates included with the FFGC that helps you translate your farm plan to on-the-ground implementation. The protocol includes a Crop Rotation, a Planting Overview, Planting and Harvest Guides (5 ft scale and 50 ft scale) and a Variety List).
  • CSA Quick Start Module (pre-filled production plans to get you up and running quickly, takes the guesswork out of what to provide in your weekly CSA box. It includes a pre-filled Fantastic Farm Calculator plan and a pre-filled Box Value Template). Simply input the amount of space you are growing on and/or the number of CSA members you have and this calculator does the rest.
  • Intercropping module (find appropriate companion crop pairings and avoid growing incompatible plants together. This module also tracks the amount of space saved by intercropping and was designed to be used with the Fantastic Farm Calculator). View a screenshot Intercropping module.
  • Daily and Weekly Harvest Weight Tracking worksheets (keep track of your yields).
  • Daily and Weekly Tasks Checklist (Keep track of everything you need to do).
  • Compost Temperature Monitoring worksheet (track compost temperature so you know when it's ready to use).


  • CSA Box Value Template (calculate how much your unique CSA share membership is worth so you know what to charge your members).
  • CSA Agreement Template (an agreement between you and your shareholders in Word doc form so you can customize it to your needs)
  • CSA Member Feedback Form (a form to get members' feedback at the end of the season and help you make adjustments if necessary to better meet their expectations in the following season)
  • CSA Recipe Archive (an archive of delicious, tried-and-true recipes that you can search by ingredient, so you can include recipes in your weekly "box contents" insert)


You will need Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word and Adobe Reader to use our tools and instructions.