Micro-Farm Labor: What’s it Cost? post thumbnail

Micro-Farm Labor: What’s it Cost?

  In my previous post “Micro-Farm Labor: What’s it Take?” I reviewed the hourly labor requirements for a minimally-mechanized, micro-farming operation such as what we have at our pilot
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Micro-Farm Labor: What’s it Take? post thumbnail

Micro-Farm Labor: What’s it Take?

I hold the unique and curious position of being a Working Share Farm Manager at our ¼ acre pilot study CSA farm, HeartEye Village CSA, handily operating in the
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Beginner Farmer Beware: Just How Hard IS Farming Anyway? post thumbnail

Beginner Farmer Beware: Just How Hard IS Farming Anyway?

As consumers of food in the US we’re spoiled. There is just no ifs, ands or buts about it… The industrial food system has been subsidized for so long
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Production Planning for the Beginner Farmer: Building Resiliency in the Event of a Zombie Apocalypse post thumbnail

Production Planning for the Beginner Farmer: Building Resiliency in the Event of a Zombie Apocalypse

I’ll be the first to admit that I’m no expert when it comes to Zombies. In fact, I felt obliged to do a little cursory research before I started
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Graduation Day for a Beginner Farmer post thumbnail

Graduation Day for a Beginner Farmer

By Tracy Sweely I have been farming for four years. So I guess it makes sense that it’s time for my graduation from “Beginner Farmer” status, kind of like
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Upcoming Permaculture Design Courses in Colorado post thumbnail

Upcoming Permaculture Design Courses in Colorado

  The 24th Annual Permaculture Design Course at CRMPI (Central Rocky Mountain Permaculture Institute) in Basalt, Colorado Sunday, September 12th – Sunday, September 25th,  2010 With Peter Bane, Adam Brock, Sarah Montgomery,
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