Upcoming Permaculture Design Courses in Colorado

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The 24th Annual Permaculture Design Course at CRMPI (Central Rocky Mountain Permaculture Institute) in Basalt, Colorado

Sunday, September 12th – Sunday, September 25th,  2010

With Peter Bane, Adam Brock, Sarah Montgomery, Kelly Simmons and Jerome Osentowski.

Space is still available. Visit www.crmpi.org to learn more or to sign up!

Advanced Permaculture Design Course by High Altitude Permaculture with Sandy Cruz, Marco Lam, and Alison Peck in Boulder, Colorado.

September 16th – November 18th, 2010.  Ten Thursday evenings 6:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. plus two Saturdays 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

For more info, visit www.hialtpc.org

I’d like to thank Sandy Cruz of High Altitude Permaculture, and Jerome Osentowski of Central Rocky Mountain Permaculture Institute for their support!
